Sunday, August 02, 2009

BACK UP! Concrete Diaries

Here's a look at a documentary that had its debut at Oakland's
Eastside Arts Alliance. Filmmakers Nijlan Mu'min & Monique
Hazeur and others wish that they could walk down the street
without being subject to what some guys feel is complimentary
behavior. A little respect could go a long way.


Anonymous Naomi said...

Thank God that doesn't happen anymore but I have had that experience and it isn't a good feeling. Surprisingly now I get real positive comments but maybe that is because I look mature and serious. I evoke comments like "you really look nice"..."have a great day sister". I prefer those comments and smile or say thanks to indicate that I appreciate what has been said. When I was younger I was sometimes afraid to acknowledge even a nice comment because that was enough to have a guy follow you down the street.
Interesting stuff now that I think about it.

4:13 PM  

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