Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Portland based artist DAMALI AYO, author of How to Rent a Negro and its website rent-a-negro.com, has STEPHEN COLBERT of Comedy Central's The Colbert Report in her gun sight. On the news satire show, Colbert recently put in a request for a "new black friend" and suggested to start "blackfriendster.com." Ayo feels he's biting her ideas. "Let's make Colbert aware!," she writes in her weekly newsletter alert. "The best way to do this is to inundate Comedy Central with emails about the book. You can see Colbert's "Black Friend" schtick here. Amazingly, Julian Bond appears on the show and does a fantastic job, especially towards the end when they get to the photos. I think he is far and away more brilliant in this sketch than Colbert himself, who I admit, is pretty entertaining. Proof of my qualifications to be a "professional black friend" can be seen on YouTube."


Blogger hdaisy said...

What do you think of Colbert's recent "request"? What do you think of damali's response? If you were interested in Ms. ayo's proposition, help her out by writing to Colbert at http://www.comedycentral.com/help/questionsCC.jhtml and just include her name or the book title in your message heading. And while there may not be an exact "blackfriendster.com" yet, there is always blackpeopleloveus.com, or more seriously, Ms. ayo's very own myspace page, myspace.com/damaliayocds

Heather Day,
Assistant to damali ayo

10:59 PM  

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